Forgotten People

Stories from our grantees – centre for elderly in Chile

In Loncoche in southern Chile, we are delighted to support a day shelter for the elderly and people with severe disabilities, run by the Order of Malta Chilean Association. The shelter provides social support and craft activities for elderly and disabled people to keep them active and happy in their daily lives. Her Royal Highness Alexandra Von Habsburgo-Lorena de Riesle, President of the Volunteer Corps of the Chilean Association, visited the project recently and was kind enough to share her experience: 

"On arrival we had lunch with the 30 elderly guests. One of them, who is 105, got up and recited long poems with a strong voice and vigorous gestures, like one did in the old times – where at school children learnt nearly everything by heart. They do a lot of manual activities in the shelter. I really was astonished at what they can do."

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