Every five years, the Order of Malta's leadership convenes to spend some time reflecting on the Order's progress and planning for its future.  This year, H.M.E.H the Prince and Grand Master has requested that, alongside the senior leadership, the next generation should also be represented. This group of 18-35 year olds has become known as Vision 2050 and its participants have been increasingly active since its launch in Rome last year.
The Vision 2050 Working Group in Rhodes has therefore been designed to engage the younger generation and future leadership, alongside current senior figures, in envisioning the broader future for the Order. It will give delegates the opportunity to think about the future in decades, in whole generations, and then to consider how they would address the challenges that may face the Order in the future.
Building on the conversations which were initiated in Rome last year and which continued throughout 2013, members of the Working Group from across the Order are invited to envision the Order three decades from now. The discussions will revolve around these three questions:
  1. What are some key changes in the world that may take place between the present and 2050?
  2. When you think of the Order in 2050 – how would you like people to describe:

    • Who it is?
    • What it does?
  3. What skills and experiences might be applicable in the world of 2050? How do we help members to gain those skills?
We look forward to reporting back in our next newsletter.  If you would like to contribute to the discussions, please complete the short questionnaire on our sidebar.